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Core Belief Healing System

​The Core Belief Healing System is a program that balances your negative core beliefs in order to reduce physical and mental stress on the body.


The Core Belief Healing System uses Neuro Emotional Technique as a tool to break the cycle of repeating thought patterns that can be detrimental to mental and physical health.


These repeating thought patterns include “I am not safe”, “I am not successful”, “I am not wealthy enough”, or “I am not attractive enough”. Overtime, these subconscious thought loops can cause physical pain such as chronic headaches, back pain, neck pain, or digestive difficulties. 


The negative thought patterns often develop during our adolescence to help us survive unstable circumstances such as a move to a new school or a parental divorce.  Once this thought pattern develops, ie “I am not safe”, it will perpetuate indefinitely unless balanced with the opposite belief “I am safe." The Core Belief Healing System balances this belief. 






The Core Belief Healing System facilitates the resolution of 14 of the most common negative core beliefs as identified by the Australian psychotherapist John Bligh Nutting. These beliefs are:

1. I am not safe
2. I do not belong
3. I have no worth
4. I have no value
5. I am powerless
6. I am always wrong
7. I am unsure
8. My life is out of balance
9. I don’t exist
10. I am nothing
11. I am not real (authentic)
12. I am unlovable
13. I am defective
14. I don’t have integrity, morals, or principles

The Core Belief Healing System is a series of visits that clears the most common negative thought patterns. Patients often comment that they feel “lighter”, “different”, “calmer”, or “not as stressed anymore”. Patients have also commented that their back pain has decreased, or their headaches have subsided over time. The Core Belief Healing System can have dozens of positive affects on the mind and body.


Neuro Emotional Technique (NET)

NET was created by Dr. Scott Walker, DC is the mid 1980’s to help his patients whose pain was not responding to standard treatment. NET encapsulates principals from several different practices including the meridian system of acupuncture, Pavlovian responses, repetition compulsion, and semantic responses.

In total, NET has a compendium of over two dozen research papers including randomized clinical trials supporting the effectiveness of the technique. Here is a link to that list: .

NET (Neuro Emotional Technique) is a mind-body technique that uses manual muscle testing to determine if there is an emotional stressor contributing to your physical symptoms.


These symptoms could be headaches, low back pain,  or chronic neck pain. By using muscle inhibition testing, the patient’s limbic (emotional) brain is being engaged, bypassing the conscious mind (neocortex). This is what differentiates NET from other mind-body techniques.


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